5/12/2023 to 6/12/2023

Checking In is a collection of art ephemera and personal mementos that share ways we use art to inform each other about harm reduction during moments of rest, leisure, stress and joy. These include visual materials related to rave care artist books, ticket stubs, Fentanyl test strip brochures, doodles on Narcan packaging, text messages, venmo request collateral, lost and found items, oral histories and journaling related to overdose, loss, and grief, and other materials that offers insights into how we take care of each other on and off of the dance floor.

Checking In was informed by artists who have contributed to this conversation about harm reduction with materials from Nacho Nava Jr’s of memorial (Mustache Monday), items from the alley, and artist books about Jewels Catch One. We have now organized an open call inviting people to grow the conversation and contribute their ephemera related to overdose prevention and the ways we take care of each other. 

Please feel free to mail your materials to: 

Los Angeles Contemporary Archive (LACA)
709 N Hill Street
Suite 104/8 (upstairs)
LA, CA 90012